E-Mail Marketing Campaign Manager

$69.00$48.30 off 30%

Automates personalized email communication to customers after each order, boosting sales and driving repeat business.


Get updates about new products right in your inbox:

With this module, customers will be able to receive regular updates about the latest products offered by the store, without having to actively search for them. This will help keep them informed and interested in the store’s offerings, and may even inspire them to make additional purchases.

Get Special Discounts:

As a reward for their loyalty, customers will have the opportunity to receive exclusive discounts on future purchases. This not only incentivizes repeat business, but also shows customers that the store values their continued support, which can help foster a positive relationship and increase customer satisfaction.

What this module Bring for you

  • Easy to Setup
  • Fully Customizable through module dashboard.
  • Boost Sales Activity.
  • Increase Regular Customers.


  1. Create custom email rules: With this module, merchants have the flexibility to create custom email rules tailored to their specific needs and preferences. They can decide when the emails should be sent, to whom, and with what content.
  2. Multiple options to select products: The module provides merchants with multiple options for selecting the products they want to feature in their emails, allowing them to promote specific items or product lines and drive sales.
  3. Customize email text: The module gives merchants complete control over the text in their emails, allowing them to create customized, engaging content that resonates with their target audience.
  4. Control timing and frequency: The module allows merchants to select the timing and frequency of their emails, enabling them to send follow-up emails to customers within a specific number of days after their order, and choose how many products to feature in each email.
  5. Special discount codes: This feature allows merchants to offer exclusive discount codes to their customers, which can encourage repeat business and drive sales.
  6. Customer group configuration: With the ability to easily configure emails for different customer groups, merchants can target their marketing efforts and ensure that the right message is delivered to the right audience. This allows for more effective marketing and improved customer engagement.


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